K. Sreeman Reddy

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An ontological argument for fundamental physics

July 10, 2024 | 30 mins read | Metaphysics Pantheism Atheism Epistemology String theory Important
Blog In this post, I will argue that the ontological argument explains the existence of the fundamental law of physics, i.e., a Theory of Everything. So, this will be a reasonably satisfying solution to the fundamental question of metaphysics: Why is there anything at all? I will argue that the fundamental law of physics is a logically necessary entity, and after its existence is justified, all things physical will follow from it. The Theory of Everything is the only mathematical entity whose existence is uplifted into the physical reality. Read More ›

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Relativity textbooks review

June 11, 2021 | 5 mins read | General relativity Special relativity Textbook
There are many Special relativity (SR) and General relativity (GR) textbooks, here I will review some of them. Read More ›


Quantum mechanics textbooks review

June 07, 2021 | 4 mins read | Quantum mechanics Textbook
There are many Quantum mechanics (QM) textbooks, here I will review some of them. Read More ›

Non-physics – As an atheist

My views on Religion

May 10, 2020 | 8 mins read | Atheism Important
Blog I am a strong atheist by belief, culturally influenced by Hinduism and philosophically inspired by Buddhism. You can consider me as a Secular humanist. I believe that religions are like diseases and all organized religions should be abolished (not through violence (like the Soviets did), but through teaching ethics and explaining science to religious people). Read More ›

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