
Hi, my name is Kasi Reddy Sreeman Reddy and I'm an undergraduate studying B. Tech in Engineering physics at IIT Bombay. I am also pursuing a minor in Mathematics and honours in Physics. I am from Tadipatri, Andhra Pradesh.

I am more interested in fundamental theoretical physics(like Quantum Gravity theories, Cosmology etc.) compared to Applied Physics or Experimental physics.


1)Reading physics books and history of physics.
2)Watching Anime (Check this anime page of mine)
3)Thinking about some metaphysical questions like Why there is anything at all?,What is the meaning of life? etc.
Recently I started writing on Physics Stack Exchange

profile for Kasi Reddy Sreeman Reddy at Physics Stack Exchange, Q&A for active researchers, academics and students of physics

Feel free to browse the projects section to check out what I've done till now. Also feel free to contact me.
